simple will and living will Do I need an attorney to do a will/living will or…

simple will and living will
Do I need an attorney to do a will/living will or can I use any one of various forms and have it hold up in court? sure it gets to the right spot.

One thought on “simple will and living will Do I need an attorney to do a will/living will or…

  1. Re: simple will and living will
    You should use an attorney. An attorney will help you draft the language to ensure that your true intent is preserved, and that it is properly witnessed. We offer reasonable rates. Feel free to call our offices or e-mail me directly. We can do most of the work over e-mail or by telephone, if you like.

    Daniel Cevallos
    Cevallos & Wong, LLP
    1417 Locust Street, Suite 300
    Philadelphia, PA 19102

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