Durable Power of Attorney My father, who has been hospitalized for most of the…

Durable Power of Attorney
My father, who has been hospitalized for most of the past five months, granted me durable power of attorney as a precautionary measure, should he return to the hospital or end up in a nursing home. Unfortunately, our power of attorney document was supplied us by a lawyer friend who is not currently available for consultation and whose specialty is corporate law. The point is, I don’t know how to activate the thing. Do I just carry it around to banks and creditors, do I file it somewhere, or what? please help, I’m running out of time. My dad is suffering from, among other things, intermittant bouts of “ICU psychosis” and is only occassionally lucid. thanks

One thought on “Durable Power of Attorney My father, who has been hospitalized for most of the…

  1. Re: Durable Power of Attorney
    The power of attorney is “activated” upon signature by your father and notarization. You need do nothing else but present it when you act in his stead and/or sign documents, checks, etc…Make sure the bank and any other institutions you deal with on behalf of your father have a copy of the original that you will keep in your possession. Good Luck and I hope your father’s condition picks up. Happy New year!
    Brian Halloran

    Brian Halloran
    Brooking and Halloran, PLLC
    909 Wrights Summit, Ste. 220
    Fort Wright, KY 41017

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