Only have bill of sale.

Only have bill of sale.
2 years ago.I purchased a mobile home and placed 1/2 down. I was given a bill of sale, and a typed letter regarding my remaining loan details. I have someone who wants to buy the home and when the buyer tried to contact this company for the sale they will not call either of us back. I have had intermittent episodes where they move,change names and not been able to get in contact with the company. I do know they changed their name and are no longer listed with BBB.

I have not paid my mortgage in 6 months and left messages stating this to them they still have not contacted me. I have never been reported to any credit companies.

I tried to get a home equity loan and a mortgage company advised me that the title is not even listed to me and is still listed in the foreclosure database with the previous owners bank.I know I pay taxes for my rented lot space but never any vehicle taxes etc.
What do I do? If I move out what happens to this property am I held responsible?
Should I move out or stay and hope that when I am through with my payments it’ll be transferred to me then?
Please advise.
Thanks for your time.

One thought on “Only have bill of sale.

  1. Re: Only have bill of sale.
    Mobile homes have special certificates of title. If one has not been issued, you need to go to court to force the company to issue the title. I offer free consultations. My contact information is in my profile.

    Mark Johns
    Mark Johns, Esquire
    P.O. Box 842
    Horsham, PA 19044

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