Rental agreements Two people enter a rental agreement for 1 year at a cost of…

Rental agreements
Two people enter a rental agreement for 1 year at a cost of $500 per month, each paying $250. If one person decides to move out and not pay there half, who is held repsonsible and what actions can be taken by the person who still lives at the rental place and is paying their half of the rent?

One thought on “Rental agreements Two people enter a rental agreement for 1 year at a cost of…

  1. Re: Rental agreements
    The person staying is responsible for the entire rent. The person staying can also sue the person who left for the difference.
    This is a rotten thing to do to a roommate, but it happens all the time.

    Gregg Manes
    Gregg A. Manes, Esq.
    333 South Main Street #701
    Akron, OH 44308-

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