Selling a mobile home
I sold a mobile home in $10,000. I made an agreememt with a notary where the lady agreed to pay $300 every month and be responsible since that day to pay the rent and utilities for the parking. Now 5 months later she just got out because she bought a house and she says she won’t pay the manager as well as the monthly payments she own us. I went to the court where they told the case was complicated and didn’t give advice they said go to a lawyer. Basically the lawyer said he needs $5000 and i don’t have that money besides that the property cost only $10,000. I don’t know what to do because if i want to go to court i have to know which papers to file and i don’t plus the lawyers said that a notarized paper won’t be much help and that she has all the rights. Please help me.
Re: Selling a mobile home
The help you needed was in the beginning, in preparing an enforceable agreement. Now, you need to sue using whatever agreement you’ve got. You are now learning the lesson that trying to ‘play attorney’ yourself and save a small amount of legal fees has a consequence different than expected – you’ll spend a lot more fees now in litigation. Court clerks are not allowed to help you, that is what attorneys are for. Call the Lawyer Referral Service in your area and try to find one willing to help you at reduced cost. Good luck.
Terry A. Nelson
Nelson & Lawless
18685 Main St., #175
Huntington Beach, CA 92648