snowmobile repo I wish to repossess a snowmobile that another party is holding.

snowmobile repo
I wish to repossess a snowmobile that another party is holding. In the Forcible Entry and Detainer for Personal Property Complaint Form it talks about a Notice to Quit. Do I need to serve this notice in Maine

One thought on “snowmobile repo I wish to repossess a snowmobile that another party is holding.

  1. Re: snowmobile repo
    You do need to send a notice of some sort indicating that a default has occurred, providing for an opportunity for the loan to be cured, and further notice of accelerating of the total balance and likely repossession. Typically there would be a requirement to do so under the Note or security Agreement. Retain proof of the mailing and a coopy of the notice for the Court. This will serve as a notice to quit which is used in a landlord-tenant situation.

    Jerome Gamache
    Ainsworth Thelin & Raftice, P.A.
    P.O. Box 2412
    South Portland, ME 04116

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