Lease Rental Agreement In CA, apartment lease, can you be evicted if you don’t…

Lease Rental Agreement
In CA, apartment lease, can you be
evicted if you don’t pay a maintenance fee for a repair which was tenant fault? If you also are caught up in the rent and they refuse rent for the repair fee, can you be evicted?

One thought on “Lease Rental Agreement In CA, apartment lease, can you be evicted if you don’t…

  1. Re: Lease Rental Agreement
    Your question is confusing. Is the maintenance fee for damages caused by another tenant, not you? If so, it is the landlord’s responsibility to pay for ordinary wear and tear, and tenant must pay for damages done by him, and any of his guests.

    If your rent is current, the best thing to do if they refuse rent, is put it in writing (certified, return receipt). They can always attempt eviction, but you have valid defenses to bring to court.

    You might consider having an attorney write a strong letter to the landlord, setting out your position. E-mail, or call me, if you need more help.

    Robert L. Bennett
    Law offices of Robert L. Bennett
    2117 N. Baker St.
    Bakersfield, CA 93305

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