fighting a notice to quit i signed a lease in 1980 with my wife.

fighting a notice to quit
i signed a lease in 1980 with my wife. we were divorced and she moved out in 1990. i now have my cousing living with me. she has 1 daughter. a spiteful friend told the rental association of my new arrangement and i received a notice to quit(n.j.s.a. 2a:18-61.1(d,e)
the have terminated my lease jan 1 2004.
they have demanded possesion.
i wish to fight this and keep my apartment.
what steps do i take to stop the lease termination???

One thought on “fighting a notice to quit i signed a lease in 1980 with my wife.

  1. Re: fighting a notice to quit
    Where is the property located?

    Bruce Gudin
    Levy Ehrlich & Petriello, Esqs.
    60 Park Place, Suite 1016
    Newark, NJ 07102-5504

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