kicking boyfriend out a man and i have been cohabitating (unmarried) for 12yrs.

kicking boyfriend out
a man and i have been cohabitating (unmarried) for 12yrs. Recently i purchased a house on contract for deed (still making payments) The contract is in MY name only, his does not appear on it in anyway. It is my house, but he does live here. Can i legally kick him out or does he have any legal recourse? We live in kentucky…, no common law marriage here, right?

One thought on “kicking boyfriend out a man and i have been cohabitating (unmarried) for 12yrs.

  1. Re: kicking boyfriend out
    Kick away (figuratively). There is no common law marriage in Kentucky.

    Gregory Napier
    Troutman & Napier, PLLC
    4740 Firebrook Blvd.
    Lexington, KY 40513

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