land contract I have a signed land contract, and the seller has been entering…

land contract
I have a signed land contract, and the seller has been entering onto my property and entering my outbuildings without my permission. There is nothing in the contract stating he can do so. He says the land is still his for the duration of the contract and he is legally allowed to enter without permission. I was wondering if there was anything I could do as far as charging him with trespassing
Thank you for your response.

One thought on “land contract I have a signed land contract, and the seller has been entering…

  1. Re: land contract
    You can treat the situation as a landlord tenant situation. The landlord can not just enter the property without notice unless there is an emergency on the property.

    You need to send him notice to stay off unless he gives you notice and keep a copy of the letter. If he comes back on the property, call the police.

    Good Luck.

    Gregg Manes
    Gregg A. Manes, Esq.
    333 South Main Street #701
    Akron, OH 44308-

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