landlord / tenant What are my options after being served with a 30 day notice…

landlord / tenant
What are my options after being served with a 30 day notice to quit?

One thought on “landlord / tenant What are my options after being served with a 30 day notice…

  1. Re: landlord / tenant
    You can leave in 30 days (assuming you’ve been there less than a year). If you have an unexpired lease and there’s some other issue, talk with a lawyer. If you don’t leave in the time specified, the landlord might bring an unlawful detainer lawsuit against you, which would go on your credit report. You might choose to fight the eviction in a lawsuit.

    In some jurisdictions — LA for instance — rent stabilization laws might prohibit the eviction, depending on whether it’s for good (or just) cause. You can talk with the Rent Stabilization Board for further guidance. Also, I believe that there might be pro bono (free) legal services for tenants who make appointments at the courthouse or elsewhere during the week.

    Robert F. Cohen
    Law Office of Robert F. Cohen
    P.O. Box 15896
    San Francisco, CA 94115-0896

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