month to month lease I gave my land lord a 30 day notice november 15 stating I…

month to month lease
I gave my land lord a 30 day notice november 15 stating I will be out by december 15. I will be out by nov 30 . Would I be responsible for all of dec rent or half? We have no lease sign with her and we are on a month to month lease. she tells me her lawyer said we are responsible for all. please advise

One thought on “month to month lease I gave my land lord a 30 day notice november 15 stating I…

  1. Re: month to month lease
    You are on the hook for ALL of December.Notice is valid effective on the LAST Day of the Month in which given (+ 30 = Dec. 31)

    David Anderson
    Mahoney Anderson LLC
    P.O. Box 44504
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344

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