Recovering fees from an adversary proceeding back in state court My ex-spouse…

Recovering fees from an adversary proceeding back in state court
My ex-spouse filed bankruptcy after our divorce. I have a hold harmless clause in the decree. I was forced to file adversary proceeding 523(a)15 to stop the discharge of one joint debt. I prevailed. Can I recoup my attorney fees back in the state court, under the hold harmless agreement, or is this out of the state court’s jurisdiction?

One thought on “Recovering fees from an adversary proceeding back in state court My ex-spouse…

  1. Re: Recovering fees from an adversary proceeding back in state court
    Your attorney should have asked for attorney fees in the BR court, You can go back to state court for your attorney fess.

    Alvin Lundgren
    Alvin R. Lundgren, L.C.
    5015 W. Old Hwy 30 Ste 200
    Mt. Green, UT 84050-9752

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