Tenancy I signed a 9 month lease to condo that ended on June 19, 2005.

I signed a 9 month lease to condo that ended on June 19, 2005. The landlord verbally expressed to me that I would have to stay for 12 months the next time to continue living there. Nothing was ever said following this agreement. Now I am being terminated on June 19, 2007. Am I in a month to month, or was the agreement a verbal contract?

One thought on “Tenancy I signed a 9 month lease to condo that ended on June 19, 2005.

  1. Re: Tenancy
    If you never signed a new lease, and the last lease didn’t automatically renew for a year, then you are month to month and have rights regarding notice to vacate.

    David W. Nance
    DWNance.com founding member of NanceGroup.com
    5700 Magazine Street
    New Orleans, LA 70115

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