vehicle deposits My son purchased a motorcycle from a private party in Orlando…

vehicle deposits
My son purchased a motorcycle from a private party in Orlando in December 2007. The bike’s total cost was $5800.00. My son gave the guy $4,000 upfront and got a bill of sale and a contract stating that my son would pay $125/month and the balance at the end of June, 2008. My son lost his job and was two months behind in payments. He let the seller know and was told that he could pay the balance in June. In late March, the seller came to my son’s garage and took the bike back, citing non-payment. Evidently my son was intimidated and allowed the man to take the bike. Now that he has the money he wants to settle up and get the bike, but cannot get ahold of this man. This seller will not return my son’s phone calls. We do not know Florida law. What should he do? Thanks.

One thought on “vehicle deposits My son purchased a motorcycle from a private party in Orlando…

  1. Re: vehicle deposits
    Send him a letter letting him know you are going to sue him and then do so. He had no right to take the bike back.

    Alan Wagner
    Wagner, Vaughan & McLaughlin, P.A.
    601 Bayshore Boulevard; Suite 910
    Tampa, FL 33606

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