Lease Agreement If a person has signed a formal lease agreement with an…

Lease Agreement
If a person has signed a formal lease agreement with an apartment complex for 13 months for a set amount including rent and tax – if the taxes increase in the city during the 13 month lease – Can the complex raise the rent on the resident or does it have to remain at the contracted amount with the calculation of rent and tax as it was when signed?

One thought on “Lease Agreement If a person has signed a formal lease agreement with an…

  1. Re: Lease Agreement
    If the contract provides for fixed rates, then any modification must be in writing. However, generally, commercial leases provide for fluctuating tax rates. Look at your lease specific to local taxes.

    Debra Palomino
    One East Camelback Rd., Ste. 300
    Phoenix, AZ 85012

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