Month to month tenants need more time.

Month to month tenants need more time….HELP!
We are currently renting an apartment on a month to month basis while our home is being built.
We are about 2 weeks behind schedule, and will need to go into March.We told her in mid February we would need more time, and would pay March’s rent. At that time she made no mention of having new tenants coming in right away. We were served with notice to quit papers saying we have to be out by March 1. When I called to see why she explained she has section 8 tenants lined up to come in March 1. We expressed we will pay March’s rent, but she said she is unable to accomodate us. My question is are we going to be homeless March 1? When March 1 comes will there be someone here making us move our things? We have 3 kids, one 6 weeks old. Is there a way to ask a judge to grant us more time? Or are we able to just stay the 2 weeks and move when our house is finished, and mail her the check for March? Help please!

One thought on “Month to month tenants need more time.

  1. Re: Month to month tenants need more time….HELP!
    The notice to quit is only the first step required to file for the court’s help in removing you. No persons should attempt to remove you on March 1. After the notice to quit, the landlord must then file a case with the court. A judge will then decide whether you are entitled to stay, for how long and the remainder of the issues. This cannot be done until after March 1. If someone attempts to forcibly remove you on March 1, you have a cause of action against that person. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at

    Nicholas Adamucci
    80 Fourth Street
    Stamford, CT 06905

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