vacation rental Is there a differnce between having a vacation rental…

vacation rental
Is there a differnce between having
a vacation rental agreement with
someone as opposed to a rental or
lease conract? Are vacation rentals
treatedd the same way as hotels?
What is the difference from a contract standpoint?

One thought on “vacation rental Is there a differnce between having a vacation rental…

  1. Re: vacation rental
    There is some case law holding that a vacation rental is much less than an ordinary residential tenancy, and that the renter acquires far fewer and lesser rights than a tenant. See, for example, Bullock v. City and County of San Francisco (1990) 221 Cal.App.3d 1072.

    Preumably, a vacation renter has another permanent address somewhere else, and is not depending upon the rental as his or her place of residence, is not moving in furniture, and so on. There is a strong presumption that the rental is for a definite and brief period.

    So, vacation rentals are more akin to hotels – but not exactly the same, as there’s a bunch of laws that apply to hotels and motels where vacation rentals aren’t mentioned!

    Bryan Whipple
    Bryan R. R. Whipple, Attorney at Law
    P O Box 318
    Tomales, CA 94971-0318

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