voluntary repo of mobile home in 2001 i did a voluntary repo of mobile due to…

voluntary repo of mobile home
in 2001 i did a voluntary repo of mobile due to fact i had to move from property and had no place to move it,they chose not to remove it and after 5 years owner of property demolished it, i now have collection agency telling me i have to pay. what can i do collection agency is harassing me.

One thought on “voluntary repo of mobile home in 2001 i did a voluntary repo of mobile due to…

  1. Re: voluntary repo of mobile home
    Have you requested that the collection agency verify the debt they are attempting to collect?

    Thats’ the first step. Do it in writing.

    In order to effectively collect on a debt the creditor has to file suit within six (6) years of the date of the default.

    If the creditor never filed suit, there is no judgment. I can’t tell from your question whether the debt is valid or not. It will turn on the date of the month of the year as to whether you are liable or not, or whether you still face suit.

    But before you lose any more sleep, go review budhibbs dot com

    Great website, will make you feel much better about the collection agency’s conduct, and what they can lawfully do, and what you can do if and when they cross the line.

    Hope this helps. Elizabeth Powell

    Elizabeth Powell
    ELizabeth Powell PS Inc
    535 Dock Street, Suite 108
    Tacoma, WA 98402

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